
The Doomsday

Just want to ask you guys, do you believe that the world will end in 21-12-2012?

You do? I don't.

Seriously, it's ridiculous. Even Mayan said it's not the ends of the world. People who don't even understand the Mayan Prophecy just try making this a big deal.
By the way I heard people trying to avoid the doomsday. As I saw in some film (the most ridiculous one is "2012") people just imagining doomsday as a very big catastrophe. They can escape from what people call "doomsday" and even the "death" itself by making bunker or some high-tech rockets that can send them to outer space when the doomsday happens. American even make a special airplane for their president and his family, it said that the special airplane can handle radioactive effect and blah blah blah.
Well, no offense guys, I know they just want to make sure they'll be save, but man, it's ridiculous. It's a "doomsday" by the way, not a "big catastrophe". In the doomsday, we're all doomed. No one can escape just by staying in a bunker or flying with airplanes.
The doomsday not just happen on earth by the way. It's happen in this whole universe. Stars that blink in the night will crush down the earth. The earth crust will split up. Volcanoes will erupt. And I think tsunami will also take part. It also said that the sky will tore apart. It super scary. But it's the doomsday I know. Not just an ordinary big catastrophe.
I believe no one can escape from the "doomsday" nor the "death". If you were born then you'll definitely die. It's not about religion beliefs or what, it's a laws of nature.

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